The Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education
Does your back hurt? Do you have trouble focusing your attention? Have you stopped participating in activities you used to enjoy?
The Feldenkrais Method® is for anyone who wants to reconnect with their natural abilities to move, think and feel. Whether you want to be more comfortable sitting at your computer, playing with your children and grandchildren, or performing a favorite pastime, these gentle lessons can improve your overall well being.
Because the Feldenkrais Method® focuses on the relationship between movement and thought, increased mental awareness and creativity accompany physical improvements. Dr. Feldenkrais understood that the body and mind are not separate entities, but that “the unity of mind and body is an objective reality.” Feldenkrais® movement lessons provide opportunities for students to improve ease in movement, and can result in subsequent ease and clarity in thought.
Everyone, from athletes and artists to administrators and attorneys, can benefit from the Feldenkrais Method®.
We improve our well being when we learn to fully use ourselves. Our intelligence depends upon the opportunity we take to experience and learn on our own. This self learning leads to full, dynamic living.
Ordinarily, we learn just enough to function. For example, we learn to use our hands well enough to eat, our legs well enough to walk. Feldenkrais® helps you improve your ability to function with a greater range of ease and skill. The Feldenkrais Method® teaches—through movement—how we can improve our capabilities to function in our daily lives.