Feldenkrais Workshop for the Shoulders
3-class Series
Instructor: Fritha Pengelly
*All times Eastern Time Zone*
Thursday, July 6, 10:30am
Friday, July 7, 3:15pm
Saturday, July 8, 11:30am
Are you experiencing limited range of motion or pain with particular movements? Would you like to learn to move your arms and shoulders with more ease and efficiency?
Join Fritha for this class series in which we will explore how to improve function of the shoulder through differentiation of the parts, and integration of the whole self. We cannot move our shoulders well without clarifying how to find support and power from the legs, pelvis, spine, and ribs. Each session will explore a specific Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson with time for discussion of anatomy and function.
Come engage in the practice of learning how to find new patterns of action through using awareness to sense what these well-worn pathways are, and discover new options for moving.
No experience necessary!
$40/early-bird ($45 after 7/1)
$18 drop-in
In line with the Center’s efforts to promote racial equity and justice we are inviting Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color to attend at no charge:
Use Coupon Code: Fee-waived2