Finding Ease in the Mouth and Jaw
Instructor: Fritha Pengelly
ONLINE Workshop:
December 5, 2020, 1-3pm EST
Do you struggle with jaw tension? Do you experience headaches or tension in your neck that feels related to how your mouth and jaw function?
Join Fritha for a Feldenkrais® workshop that explores the possibility of finding more ease in the head, neck and jaw through small movements of the mouth, jaw, tongue, eyes and head, and through attention to the relationship of these movements to the whole self.
Workshop will include exploration of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons and will include time for discussion and questions. No experience necessary – all are welcome!
$35, ($25 early-bird by11/28)
In line with the Center’s efforts to promote racial equity and justice we are inviting Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color to attend at no charge:
Use Coupon Code: Fee-waived2