RETREAT FORWARD: Creativity, Action & the Feldenkrais Method
Marlboro, VT
April 14 – 19, 2025
Andrew Gibbons
Jeff Haller
Lila Hurwitz
Fritha Pengelly
Nick Strauss-Klein
Register HERE

Fritha continues to co-host
the Semi-Annual
Feldenkrais® Festival
Spring and Fall
Fritha Pengelly
Frederick Schang
Connor Voss
100% Donor Supported
Register HERE

Join Fritha for a free
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Class
on Tuesday, May 28, 2019
from 12noon – 1pm
at APE
as a part of Lynn Peterfreund’s Residency!

Dance for Parkinson’s Northampton
hosts Rob Mermin of
The Parkinson’s Pantomime Project (PD Mime)
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Studio Helix, Northampton MA
Made possible by Friends of Dance for Parkinson’s Northampton.
Contact Fritha to register – space is limited!

This workshop explores methods for adapting basic pantomime and circus techniques to help people with Parkinson’s cope with movement limitations. Pantomime (mime) involves visualization, body language, nonverbal communication, articulation of gesture, and creative use of imagery and space. Mime is a valuable method to enhance perception of one’s immediate movement problem, visualize a better result, and overcome the limitation through focused action.
The circus games involve manual dexterity (basic juggling), balance, coordination, development of reflexes…and lots of fun! Mime and circus techniques together foster an awareness aimed at bringing ease of movement to daily activities. For people with PD and their caregivers.
Rob Mermin is the founder of Circus Smirkus. He trained with legendary mime Marcel Marceau before embarking on a 40-year career in the theater and circus worlds. Rob lives in Montpelier, VT.